A restaurant’s menu needs to be tantalising and able to whet the appetite of your guests. Nothing does this more than a good selection of freshly baked products for a dessert menu. The obvious favourites should always be a main resident but nothing entices a customer more than a freshly baked cake. This principle doesn’t just apply to restaurants but also tea rooms or coffee shops.

Bakery goods such as cakes can be notoriously tricky to perfect but having the right tools for the job can make the task a lot less stressful. Once you have mastered the art of producing the perfect mixture and have discovered the optimum oven temperature the remainder of the procedure relies on the quality of the bakeware and utensils you choose to add the finishing touches.

Baking tins

A serious baker should always have a good selection of tins to suit every purpose. Whether the chef is working on a quiche, a loaf or a cake, the type of tin will determine the visual aspect of the finished product. A good range of sizes and shapes will ensure that your plethora of cakes and baked produce all have their own unique twist.

Piping bags and tubes

These tools perhaps epitomise everyone’s view of a traditional baker, donning a tall white chef hat, armed with a piping bag intricately decorating a cake. Getting the perfect and precise results depends on the quality of the piping bags in your arsenal. There are different sizes and shapes that will determine the final aesthetics of the cake. Purchasing a comprehensive range suitable for any requirement will mean that you are never left without the perfect tool to add those important finishing touches.

Tilted icing turntables

These wonderful tools mean that you never need to bend awkwardly to ice those hard to reach areas again. The adjustable angle means that it is suitable to be used by any height individual.

Cake dividers

Some people prefer to divide their cakes free-hand and if you have had plenty of experience and practise you may be able to achieve a consistency in the sizes of the slices you serve. If however you prefer to work with a guideline, a cake divider is the ideal tool. The dividers are adjustable and therefore allow you to personalise the size of your slice.

Blow torches

A kitchen doesn’t necessarily project itself as an environment for a blow torch however they are becoming increasingly more popular to accurately deliver a burst of high heat to a specific area. This is especially helpful when making certain dessert items such as a crème brulee.

Cream whippers

Specially designed cream whippers make light work of producing fluffy whipped cream, perfect for use on cakes and pastries or for coffee and hot chocolate. Freshness is always a big seller and the taste is fuller than with pre-prepared instant alternatives. If you are aiming to produce the highest quality cake or pastry then only a fresh cream will suffice.

Decorating combs

Adding texture to the icing of a cake can seem like a time consuming task but by using a serrated decorating comb the preparation time can be dramatically reduced. With a choice of finishing’s you will always be able to create the perfect touches to your masterpiece.

Pastry cutters

Pastry cutters are now available in a huge range of shapes and sizes enabling any kitchen to produce pieces that are personal and in-keeping with their theme and atmosphere.

Pastry brushes, dredgers and rolling pins

Baking dredgers provide a simple way to add a fine powdered look to your cakes. Victoria sponges traditionally have this powdered finish and wouldn’t be the same without it. A fine sieve can be used however there is nothing worse than being a little too vigorous and powder exploding in clumps on your finished cake. Dredgers provide an ideal way to decorate your cake without the risk of disaster occurring.

Having a good quality pastry brush ensures that your pastries have a clean and fresh glaze that would make any chef proud. Choosing an appropriate rolling pin may seem a small matter but can make a difference to the final outcome of your product. A choice of sizes and materials will determine whether the standard and quality of your cakes and pastries come up to scratch.

Lattice rollers and cutters

Creating the perfect lattice look can be a time consuming chore, however investing in these handy pieces of kit ensures that you can achieve precision and consistency each and every time you bake.

Nothing makes a dining experience hit a flat note more than tasteless and unimaginative food. By equipping your kitchen with the right tools and perfecting your techniques you can be assured that your cakes and pastries will never sink into obscurity and will always rise to the occasion.