How Catering & Hospitality is Looking Forward to a Greener Planet


Everyone has a part to play when it comes to aiming for a greener planet. With pollution levels in some areas worryingly high, and natural resources being used up, both customers and businesses are looking at ways they can help. In fact, many customers now actively seek out businesses that are environmentally friendly when shopping or eating out.

Both catering manufacturers and the hospitality industry are looking forward to a greener planet. But, how can they achieve this, and how can individual business owners play their part?

On a Business Level

There are many things that even small hospitality businesses can do to make their restaurant and working practices greener. While it may not be possible to implement everything immediately, by taking small steps towards environmentally friendlier practices, you will soon see the positive effects.



VarioCooking Centre open showing food Rational 112L VarioCooking Centre


Many businesses are now looking at using versatile types of equipment that can be used for more than one cooking type. These include:

Combi ovens
VarioCooking Centres
Pasta Boilers used as a steamer or bain-marie

By using these they can cut down on the amount of equipment they use, and reduce the amount of energy they use as a result.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning and maintenance of equipment are essential for any catering business. However, there is also a sound environmental reason for doing so. By ensuring that all of your equipment is regularly serviced, you can keep it at its most efficient, and therefore, reduce wasted energy.

The life of equipment can also be extended if they are regularly cleaned and maintained. This will mean less cost to you, and also less equipment needing disposal prematurely before it’s expected end of life.

A routine cleaning schedule should already be in place, but if not, then all the equipment needs to be cleaned at intervals set out by health and safety legislation and the manufacturer.

Appliance Energy Usage

Lit light bulb in cupped handsEvery piece of equipment that you use will have an energy rating. It is important that when you purchase new equipment, that you try to get the most energy-efficient brand your budget will allow. This will lower your energy costs, and also help to reduce the carbon footprint of your business.

Another key area is appliances that are left on when they are not used. It is important to train staff to turn off any appliance that is not being used so that its energy use can be reduced.

The same applies to refrigeration units in the summer months. There is a temptation to turn these units up in hot weather so that they can stay cooler. However, by doing this, you are actually using more energy, and the refrigeration unit works less efficiently.


Disposing of Old Equipment

When a piece of equipment gets to the end of its working life, there are companies that are able to remove it and recycle it in an environmentally friendly way. By using these companies, you can help to reduce the amount of unnecessary waste that goes into landfill sites which increases land pollution.

Zero Waste Initiative

Reducing the waste that you produce as a business is something that can be achieved with small changes to your usual procedures.

One of the biggest areas is the packaging that your business uses. By routinely recycling packaging, you can help to reduce the rubbish that goes to landfill.

Another idea is to reduce the food waste that is produced each day. This can be achieved by making smaller batches of food or storing it in equipment that can keep it warm for extended periods. Any waste that is produced could be used to make compost that can be given to farmers in the local area or used to grow your own vegetables.

Local Suppliers

Using locally sourced food and materials for your business is a great way to become greener. Not only does it mean less energy used by transportation to get the products to you, but it also means you are helping to support the local community.

On a Manufacturing LevelPlant in cupped hands

Manufacturers also have an important part to play in creating a greener planet. Sometimes, this doesn’t just mean how they manufacture their products or the packaging they use.
Green Initiatives

In an effort to reduce the company’s impact on the planet, DC Warewashing and Icemaking Systems have started an initiative where for every DC warewasher or icemaker they sell, they will plant a tree through a global reforestation platform. They understand the importance of giving back to the planet and hope that this will lead to customers also wanting to improve their own carbon footprint. For more details get in touch with or sales team today.


One of the biggest areas of impact on the environment is the packaging. By looking to use more recycled packing materials, manufacturers can reduce the waste that goes to landfill, and the energy used to make the materials.

Making Components In-House

The creator of the Chef-Top and Baker-Top combi ovens, Unox, manufacture around 97% of the components for their products in-house. By doing this, they are able to reduce the pollution created by transporting materials and components. They are also using packaging that is 96% recyclable, plus they use solar panels in their manufacturing sites. This has led to the company putting 11% of the energy they produce back into the grid.

By reviewing your procedures and the way you produce your products, you can quickly identify areas where you can make a positive impact. Everything that you do, no matter how small it may seem, will help to collectively make the planet greener. You will also be making a valuable statement to your customers that the environment matters to your company.