Maintenance Tips for Pass Through Dishwashers

In commercial kitchens, where dirty dinnerware and plates are plenty, the pass through dishwasher stands as an unsung hero and are vital for maintaining high hygiene standards. This blog post delves into essential maintenance tips for these indispensable machines, ensuring they continue to operate efficiently and effectively. From daily cleaning routines to monthly professional check-ups, we'll guide you through keeping your dishwasher in top condition.

The Importance of a Clean Dishwasher

A clean dishwasher is fundamental in upholding hygiene and food safety standards in any culinary establishment. It plays a critical role in preventing the spread of bacteria and contaminants that can be harmful to customers. Ensuring that dishes are not only visibly clean but also sanitised is essential for customer safety and maintaining a business's reputation for quality and care. While many brands have advanced features to deliver the ultimate clean for dishes, maintenance of equipment is still essential. Therefore, regular and thorough cleaning of dishwashers is not just a matter of cleanliness but also a vital component in safeguarding public health. Regular cleaning and maintenance are not just recommended; they are essential. 

Recommended Cleaning & Maintenance for Pass Through Dishwashers

Maintaining the efficiency and hygiene of pass through dishwashers in a commercial kitchen is an ongoing process and essential for ongoing performance and expert cleaning results. The following suggested cleaning and maintenance guide is designed to ensure your dishwasher continues to enhance the efficiency of your kitchen operations and remains in peak condition.

Daily Maintenance

Interior Cleaning

The interior of the dishwasher should be wiped down on a daily basis. This includes the walls, doors, and any accessible components. Use a soft cloth and a mild detergent to remove food particles, grease, and debris. This not only maintains cleanliness but also enhances the machine's efficiency by allowing sensors and spray arms to operate unobstructed.

Seal Inspection

The door seals and gaskets are crucial for preventing water leaks, steam escape and maintaining the internal temperature and pressure. Daily, inspect these for any signs of wear or damage such as cracks or brittleness. Clean the seals with a gentle, non-abrasive cleaner to remove any food residue or build-up, which can lead to degradation over time.

Wash Arms and Nozzles

Wash arms and nozzles are pivotal for the even distribution of water and detergents. Check these components daily for any blockages. Remove and rinse them under running water, using a small brush or pin to clear out any clogged holes. This ensures that water can flow freely, which is essential for thorough cleaning.


Detergents and Rinse Aids

Consistently monitor and replenish the dishwasher's detergents and rinse aids. This is key to not only achieving a high standard of cleanliness but also in ensuring dishes dry without water spots or streaks. Use products recommended by the manufacturer for optimal results.

Hood Airing

At the end of each cycle and at the end of service, leave the hood of the dishwasher open. This practice allows the interior to dry out completely, reducing the likelihood of bacterial growth and mould, which thrive in moist environments.

Weekly Maintenance

Deep Cleaning

Once a week, conduct a deeper cleaning of the entire machine and all hood type dishwasher elements. This includes the filters, spray arms, and nozzles, as well as less accessible areas. Use cleaning methods recommended by the manufacturer or found in the user manual. This deep clean prevents the build-up of grease and lime scale, which can hinder the dishwasher's performance and ensures ongoing high cleaning standards.

Inspect and Clean Filters

The filters capture food particles and prevent them from re-entering the wash cycle. Remove and clean these filters weekly to avoid clogging. A clogged filter can reduce the efficiency of the wash cycle and lead to poorly cleaned dishes.

Annual Servicing

It is recommended to employ the services of an authorised engineer on a yearly basis to perform an in depth check and service of equipment to guarantee ongoing performance and potentially extend the lifetime of equipment.

Self-Cleaning Programs

Some passthrough dishwashers come equipped with self-cleaning programs. These are incredibly useful for maintaining hygiene and can significantly reduce manual cleaning time. However, they do not eliminate the need for regular checks and maintenance.

Remember, a well-maintained hood type dishwasher  is not only about cleanliness; it's about efficiency, reliability, and longevity of your equipment. By employing regular cleaning and maintenance schedules, you can ensure that your pass through dishwasher remains a hygienic, effective, and dependable asset in your commercial kitchen.